As I Cee It

I love talking about television. I love talking about shows I like, upcoming shows that I’m excited about, getting show recommendations. With cable, Netflix and Hulu, there is so much content available I can barely contain myself (or keep up). However, there has always been one genre that has eluded me – period shows. With the notable exception of Dr. Quinn (which I loved, likely due to a childhood crush on Sully), I’ve never been much for them. I couldn’t even watch Mad Men.

But it looks like my tastes have changed recently. I’ve discovered three period shows that I’ve really gotten into. (I feel like it’s worth noting that only one is a BBC show, though BBC seems to be top dog in period pieces and everyone’s favorite go-to.)

1. Underground (WGN)
Tonight’s season premiere was actually the inspiration for this post. I originally watched it because a) Aldis Hodge and his super fine self that I developed a crush on when I watched Leverage and b) I try to support shows starring people of color. I L-O-V-E this show. While it’s often heartbreaking (to be expected), the characters are beautifully resilient and hopeful. It’s well-written and the actors are fantastic.

2. Poldark (BBC/PBS)
This was a recommendation from a friend who lives for BBC and period shows. I only agreed to watch it when I Realized the lead was Aiden Turner who I fell in love with during his time as a vampire on Being Human. (…I’m sensing a trend here.) It’s pretty good and I like the story.

3. Turn (AMC)
This was the first of the three that I started watching. I found this show before Underground when I was looking up things Aldis Hodge was in. Even knowing he wasn’t a major character, I gave it a try anyway. I’ll admit it took about three to four episodes before I could tell the characters apart, what with the white powder wigs and uniforms and all. I was very much into it by the end of the first season and I’m trying to make time to delve into S2.

Ok. Well. It looks like the moral of the story here is that I can be convinced to watch just about anything if there are attractive men in it. That’s not necessarily a bad thing. But these shows are actually good, too!

Got any period show suggestions for me? Turn is ending after S4 so I’ll need to replace it with someone.

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Welcome to 2016! Yes, I know we’ve already been here for 10 days now, but this is the first chance we’ve had to chat. I originally planned to do this earlier. However, December was incredibly busy and didn’t leave much time to think about last year and what I want tho arrive for this year.

I may have mentioned this before, but I prefer to set goals for the year in lieu of resolutions. Most resolutions tend to be vague and I like things I can actually check off a list. More often than not, I pick a theme for my year, as well. The goals may or may not directly support the theme. The theme is more to guide decisions than anything else. So I’ll share that first.

2016 is the year I live intentionally.

I have a habit of coating or floating through my days, just letting things happen. Then my birthday rolls around in September and I cannot figure out where the year has gone. I’m behind on my reading goal, I haven’t made any major financial improvements, haven’t dedicated enough time to prayer, I’ve abandoned journaling (again!), can’t remember the last time I volunteered – all because I’ve coasted through each day without doing anything.

I don’t want that anymore. I don’t want to let things happen or pass me by. I don’t want to be a bystander in my own life. I will make things happen and grab opportunities that come my way. I will actually live my life.

My world was rocked last fall, totally tilted off axis, never to be the same again. I owe it to that experience to not live a life wasting my time here.

So I’m going to live with intention. You have my permission to hold me to it.

* Note: I wrote this on my Kindle Fire. Please excuse any of the errors I may have missed.

Day 25: Merry Christmas!

It’s here! We’ve reached Day 25, the final day of the challenge. Thank you for taking this ride with me, for reading the posts and for liking them. It always helps to know someone besides Toni is reading. I intended to write this earlier, but that brunch I told you about? We didn’t get home until about 5 this evening. I couldn’t do it this morning because I was playing with my presents, just like a kid.

I sincerely hope that you are having a great holiday filled with family, friends, fun, and most importantly, love.

Merry Christmas from my heart to yours!



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